Baviera, Alemania, rompe récord en llegada de refugiados en …

ESTÁS EN LA SECCIÓN MUNDO Múnich, 29 sep (dpa) - El número de refugiados que llegaron en septiembre a Baviera batió un nuevo récord, superando cualquier cifra registrada nunca antes en todo el país, al alcanzar los 169 mil 400, informó hoy el primer Ministro bávaro, Horst Seehofer. Ésta cifra supone un récord también para todo el país. En agosto llegaron 104 mil 460 refugiados a Alemania. “Sólo el lunes llegaron 10 mil personas”, explicó el líder bávaro Read more [...]

FC Bayern: Robert Lewandowski ist schon heiß auf Champions League – T

München (dpa) - Den prachtvollen Liga-Festtagen will Tor-König Robert Lewandowski die nächste Gala auf Europas großer Fußball-Bühne folgen lassen. Nur Platz eins zählt in der Champions League für den FC Bayern. Und nach dem 3:0 bei Olympiakos Piräus peilt die Rekordmeistertruppe um den Dauertorjäger auch drei Punkte im ersten Heimspiel der neuen Königsklassen-Saison an. "Wenn du dich für das Achtelfinale qualifizieren willst, musst du zu Hause deine drei Spiele gewinnen", sagte Read more [...]

Bawaria szuka rozwiązań ws. uchodźców

W zwizku z nieustajc fal uchodcw wadze Bawarii rozwaaj podjcie na wasn rk nadzwyczajnych krokw w celu opanowania kryzysu migracyjnego - podaa agencja dpa, powoujc si na premiera Bawarii Horsta Seehofera. Rzd Bawarii na posiedzeniu we wtorek dyskutowa nad moliwoci zawracania z granicy uchodcw usiujcych wjecha do Niemiec z innego kraju UE. Rozwaano te opcj natychmiastowego odsyania imigrantw do innych krajw zwizkowych Read more [...]

Zemský premiér: Bavorsko je kvůli přílivu uprchlíku na hranici svých sil

Berlín – Do Bavorska přišlo v září 179.000 běženců, jen v pondělí jich bylo 10.000. Dnes to novinářům po jednání bavorské vlády řekl zemský premiér Horst Seehofer. Podle něj se země při pomoci uprchlíkům dostala na hranici svých možností a v brzké budoucnosti situaci ještě zkomplikuje příchod zimy. Do Bavorska přišlo v Read more [...]

The Latest: Bavaria: Almost 170000 migrants came in Sept. – Gloversville Leader

PARIS (AP) — The latest developments as European governments struggle to cope with tens of thousands of people trekking across Europe to find safety. All times local: ___ 1:20 p.m. Bavaria's governor says 169,400 migrants have arrived in the southeastern German state, by far the main point of entry to the country, since the beginning of September. Gov. Horst Seehofer gave the figure Tuesday and said 10,000 people arrived on Monday alone, the dpa news agency reported. Seehofer, a conservative Read more [...]

Goal social snap: Suarez’s haymaker & Neuer bombarding a golf cart

The Uruguayan loses his temper in training and attempts to remove a team-mate's head - all in jest - while Bayern's keeper is also misbehaving during a practice session With two goals on Saturday to down Las Palmas, Luis Suarez showed that he has enough fire to battle it out at the top of La Liga but the Barcelona forward might need to tone down that famous temper of his, if video footage of the Uruguayan almost removing a team-mate's head with a wild haymaker is anything to go by. Training-ground Read more [...]

German egg farmer arrested in fatal Salmonella outbreak

25 September, 2015 Eggs contaminated with salmonella from a Bavarian factory were linked to an international outbreak which struck a Birmingham hospital where one fatality was positively attributed to salmonella. Five patients died at Heartlands Hospital in Bordesley Green and the bacteria was traced back to eggs from factory Bayern Ei in Bavaria, Germany. The salmonella outbreak at Heartlands Hospital between 25 May and 18 June 2014, saw 32 staff and patients infected. The Salmonella outbreak Read more [...]