FC Bayern München: Pep Guardiola gönnt Profis keine Pause – T-Online – T

Der FC Bayern München hat seine Asienreise beendet und ist wohlbehalten in München gelandet. Mit im Gepäck hatte der Rekordmeister drei absolvierte Testspiele, zwei Siege und viele Trainingseinheiten. Auch wirtschaftlich war der Marketingtrip für den Rekordmeister ein voller Erfolg. Der FCB konnte in China einen Sponsoring-Vertrag über drei Jahre mit einer Mineralwasser-Firma abschließen und ist somit seinem Ziel, den asiatischen Markt zu erschließen, ein Stück weiter gekommen. Die Spieler Read more [...]

FC Bayern München: Karl-Heinz Rummenigge will TV-Gelder selbst verhandeln

Im "Manager Magazin" schlug er erneut vor, dass alle Bundesligaklubs ihre Fernseheinnahmen künftig eigenständig aushandeln sollten. Damit kleinere Vereine wirtschaftlich nicht zu schlecht dastünden, könne ein Solidartopf eingerichtet werden, in den größere Vereine zum Beispiel 50 Prozent ihrer Erlöse einzahlten, erklärte Rummenigge. "Mit diesem Modell könnte sich die Bundesliga besser stellen – inklusive der kleineren Vereine", urteilte er und stellte Read more [...]

Mario Gotze Unconvinced About Juventus Move

  Follow @insidefutbolJuventus target Mario Gotze wants the Old Lady to shell out €6m in his wages for his proposed move to Serie A this summer, according to Sky Italia.  Gotze has been at Bayern Munich since 2013, when he landed at the Allianz Arena from Borussia Dortmund. But the Germany international has been unable to find himself a regular starting spot in Pep Guardiola’s first team, leading to speculation regarding his future Read more [...]

Mario Gotze Unconvinced About Juventus Move – Inside Futbol

  Follow @insidefutbolJuventus target Mario Gotze wants the Old Lady to shell out €6m in his wages for his proposed move to Serie A this summer, according to Sky Italia.  Gotze has been at Bayern Munich since 2013, when he landed at the Allianz Arena from Borussia Dortmund. But the Germany international has been unable to find himself a regular starting spot in Pep Guardiola’s first team, leading to speculation regarding his future Read more [...]

Offerta francese innovativa e diversificata al salone Inter Airport …

milano, 24/07/2015 - 12:45 (informazione.it - comunicati stampa - fiere ed eventi) L’industria francese aeroportuale sarà presente in forze alla 20a edizione del salone Inter Airport Europe, che si terrà a Monaco di Baviera, con più di venti aziende rappresentative dei diversi settori della filiera. Le società saranno riunite in un Padiglione francese di 376,5 m², organizzato da Business France, (Agenzia nazionale per l’internazionalizzazione Read more [...]

Festivais de música erudita, sua história e códigos de vestimenta

Entre cerca de 500 eventos anuais dedicados msica, uma seleo no fcil. A seguir, uma descrio de alguns dos festivais mais interessantes, sete na Alemanha e um na ustria. A Alemanha mantm cerca de 500 festivais de msica erudita, com os mais diversos focos e dimenses. A DW preparou um perfil incluindo um pouco de histria e eventuais cdigos de vestimenta de sete dos eventos mais interessantes do pas e, de quebra, um na ustria. Naturalmente, tambm de olho nas prximas edies. Bayreuther Festspiele Read more [...]

Festivais de música erudita, sua história e códigos de vestimenta …

Entre cerca de 500 eventos anuais dedicados msica, uma seleo no fcil. A seguir, uma descrio de alguns dos festivais mais interessantes, sete na Alemanha e um na ustria. A Alemanha mantm cerca de 500 festivais de msica erudita, com os mais diversos focos e dimenses. A DW preparou um perfil incluindo um pouco de histria e eventuais cdigos de vestimenta de sete dos eventos mais interessantes do pas e, de quebra, um na ustria. Naturalmente, tambm de olho nas prximas edies. Bayreuther Festspiele Read more [...]

This Glorious Mess Is Actually Munich From Space – Gizmodo

A splattered canvas of reds and greens, this is actually a combination of three radar scans from the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1A satellite as it passed over Bavaria in Southern Germany. The white sprawl on the right is Munich. The ESA explains what you can see: Along the northern part of this river, the white radar reflections from buildings give way to an elongated area of vegetation. This is the English Garden, a public park created in 1789 with an informal landscape Read more [...]

Alberta Egler

NEW BAVARIA -- Alberta E. Egler, 88, of New Bavaria, Ohio, passed away Wednesday, July 22, 2015, at ProMedica Defiance Regional Hospital. She was born May 31, 1927, to George and Emma (Fender) Egler in Henry County. Alberta was a member of Emmanuel United Church of Christ in New Bavaria. She worked as a substitute clerk for the post office for 35 years. Alberta is survived by several cousins. She was preceded in death by her parents, George and Emma Egler; and brother, George J. Egler Jr. Visitation Read more [...]