BMW Serie 3 Facelift: foto spia durante i test nel Nord Europa

BMW Serie 3 – A Monaco di Baviera si sta lavorando sul restyling di uno dei modelli più importanti della gamma di BMW, la BMW Serie 3, come possiamo vedere da queste foto spia che ci sono giunte in redazione. I nostri fotografi spia hanno catturato infatti un prototipo di BMW Serie 3 durante dei test nel Nord Europa. Anche se ci saranno alcune modifiche visibili per l’esterno – come un nuovo paraurti anteriore con prese d’aria modificate e fari full-LED al posto di lampade allo xeno (optional) Read more [...]

Peter Fill si opera alla spalla, mondiali addio

di Vittorio Savio Tweet  1 Commenti Sarà operato domani a Monaco di Baviera il velocista azzurro Peter Fill. Il carabiniere di Castelrotto era rimasto vittima domenica di una brutta caduta durante la discesa libera di Wengen, nella quale si era procurato una piccola frattura del trochite omerale della spalla sinistra. Il carabiniere di Castelrotto era volato alla "Minschkante", girando su stesso e sbattendo violentemente Read more [...]

Pep REVOLUTION: il Bayern sogna 3 COLPI da urlo

Pep REVOLUTION: il Bayern sogna 3 COLPI da urlo Top 11 Bayern Monaco MONACO DI BAVIERA (Germania) – La notizia del possibile scambio con il Real Madrid ha alimentato nuovi rumors sulla campagna acquisti del Bayern Monaco in vista della prossima stagione. Visti i nomi accostati appare improbabile che i bavaresi possano acquistarli in tempi brevi, Read more [...]

German farmer takes on BMW, Bavarian government and aristocratic Thurn und …

But it has run into an obstacle from another family whose history may not be quite as illustrious as that of Thurn and Taxis, but which insists it has as valid a claim to the land.Saatzucht Bauer GmbH is a family-run business that develops crop seeds, including wheat, oats and barley. The family has leased the 125-acre plot from the house of Thurn and Taxis since 1863, and says it has been planting and developing seeds there for six generations.The princely house has sought to end the lease, and Read more [...]

Munich launches mega trial of €2.4m thieves

Two Serbs, a Croat and a German had been breaking into homes in Munich and Ingolstadt together since 2004, spying on them first to make sure the owners were out before levering open windows or side doors and grabbing anything they could carry away. Their favoured targets were watches, jewellery and cash, and the system helped them rake in €2.4 million over several years. The loot was stashed at the home of the Croat member of the crew – whose job was also to dispose of safes the gang had Read more [...]

Munich sets new record

Munich Airport in Germany saw 39.7 million travellers last year, a record and one million more than in the previous year thanks entirely to increases in international traffic. Domestic routes were static at 9.3 million passengers.It was the 20th all-time high for total passengers posted in the airport's 22-year history at its current location. "With these results, Munich Airport continues to ensure the success of Bavaria and will continue to have a major impact on the Bavarian economy and tourism," Read more [...]

Traunwalchen: Wildender Hund lässt erst nach Zurufen von verfolgtem Reh ab

In diesem Zusammenhang weist die Polizei darauf hin, dass Jagdschutzberechtigte auf einen wildernden Hund schießen dürfen, wenn dieser einem Wild nachstellt oder gefährdet. Auch wenn der Hund das Reh nicht erwischt, kann es trotzdem an Erschöpfung sterben, weil Rehe keine Langstreckenläufer sind. Ein aufgehetztes Reh kann sich bei der Flucht auch verletzen, wenn es beispielsweise in einen Zaun oder vor ein Auto läuft.