Brazil. Rio Boat Show: 5.500 miles to the fair

Each BAVARIA yacht exhibiting at the Rio Boat Show, has sailed from La Rochelle to Rio de Janeiro on its own keel. Brazilian Premiere of the VIRTESS 420 FLY. Between the 9th to 15th April, the Rio Boat Show opens its doors at the Marina da Gloria, the BAVARIA yachts on display have had a long journey, because each of them has crossed the Atlantic from La Rochelle to Rio de Janeiro on its own keel. That means 5,500 miles per yacht. This clearly highlights their suitability for ocean-going Read more [...]

Lennon, Presley, Monroe, Cobain, Tupac Alive in Dutch Beer Ad

A new ad from Dutch brewer “Bavaria” shows John Lennon, Tupac Shakur, Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, Bruce Lee and Kurt Cobain all alive and chilling on a tropical island.

In the ad, an aged Monroe rubs suntan lotion on Tupac´s belly and Cobain and Lennon lounge on beach chairs.

The deceased pop culture figures enjoy life and drink “Radler”, Bavaria´s new flavored beer.

Is Radler’s New Dead Celebrities Beer Advert Hilarious, Bad-taste…Or Both …

A new European beer commercial from the Radler brand has caused controversy across the world in countries where the advert's dark sense of humour doesn't sit well. The television commercial shows a bunch of dead celebrities, including Bruce Lee, John Lennon and Marilyn Monroe, chilling out, drinking beers on a desert island and hiding whenever a ship passes.Marilyn Monroe Is One Of The Dead Celebrities Featured In The New Radler Advert.The clip begins with a white-haired Elvis being given a beer Read more [...]

Мюнхенську Баварію покарали за образливі банери

Мюнхенська "Баварія" буде змушена закрита невелику секцію трибун на матчі Ліги чемпіонів проти англійського "Манчестер Юнайтед". Клуб покарали після того, як фани вивісили заборонені банери під час гри з лондонським Read more [...]

Гравці "Баварії" поверталися у Мюнхен у чемпіонських футболках

Фото: Ірина Козюпа Мюнхенська "Баварія" сьогодні зранку повернулася в Мюнхен з Берліна, де у вчора у матчі 27-го туру бундесліги проти місцевої "Герти", оформила чемпіонство. Команда іспанця Хосепа Гвардіоли стала недосяжною Read more [...]

Memories of Monroe, Cobain, Lennon, and Tupac Desecrated in New Beer Ad

Dutch brewing company Bavaria is drawing outrage for a controversial commercial that completely desecrates the names of some of the world’s most revered deceased cultural icons. The ad for the company’s new fruit-flavored beer takes place on a tropical island paradise where the not-actually-dead stars, including Elvis, Kurt Cobain, John Lennon, Marilyn Monroe, and Tupac, are all hiding out, drinking the beer and having a grand old time.In the ad, the now-old Read more [...]

Si inugura il 29 marzo l’Espace Louis Vuitton di Monaco

  Il 29 marzo l’Espace Louis Vuitton Munchen aprirà le proprie porte nello storico Residenzpost, nel cuore di Monaco di Baviera. Dopo le location sorelle di Parigi, Tokyo, Venezia e Singapore, l'Espace di Monaco è stato concepito come uno spazio artistico indipendente per “esplorare nuovi territori nell'universo della creazione contemporanea". Con i suoi oltre 320 metri quadrati di spazio dedicato alle arti, l'Espace di Monaco ha in programma diverse mostre e di un ampio Read more [...]

Sjekk de utrolige Bayern-rekordene

3-1-seieren over Hertha Berlin tirsdag kveld sikret Pep Guardiolas menn deres andre strake ligagull allerede i mars m åned, noe som er ny rekord. Forrige rekord var da Bayern sikret seg forrige sesongs ligagull allerede 6. april.Bayern tok gullet med syv kamper igjen å spille, noe som også er en forbedring fra forrige sesong da de sikret gullet med seks kamper igjen å spille.- Jeg er glad vi Read more [...]