Entra nel primo portale di videogiornalismo sportivo partecipativo, ti dà l'opportunità di esprimere le tue opinioni e diventare un attore dell'informazione calcistica italiana ed internazionale. CONTATTACI specificando cosa ti piacerebbe fare per POSIZIONI ATTUALMENTE APERTE: Videomaker - Capacità di realizzare/montare video, per riprendere conferenze stampa, realizzare interviste nel dopo gara ai protagonisti. Conduttori/trici TV - Si richiede buona dialettica Read more [...]

Social Democrat whip quits, Bavarian nepotism saga sprawls

The Bavarain parliamentary whip for the opposition Social Democrats, Harald Güller, tendered his resignation on Tuesday, becoming the first SPD scalp of the state's political nepotism affair. Public prosecutors had said they were considering a formal investigation against Güller for hiring his step-son for two months in 2009, despite a ban on politicians hiring close relatives like their wives and children. Güller said he was not aware that the rules also included stepchildren. "I am setting Read more [...]

"Бавария" сразится с "Челси" в матче за Суперкубок УЕФА в Праге – Бизнес

"Бавария" и "Челси" встретятся в матче за Суперкубок УЕФА, который впервые состоится на стадионе "Эден" в Праге. Игра пройдет 30 августа 2013 года, начало — 20:45 по центральноевропейскому времени. С 1998 по 2012 год Суперкубок УЕФА неизменно разыгрывался в Монако на стадионе "Луи II", но Read more [...]

Audi Cup 2013: il Milan presente

MILANO. Ricordiamo che nei giorni 31 Luglio e 1 Agosto il Milan parteciperà alla terza edizione dell’Audi Cup a Monaco di Baviera. I rossoneri disputeranno il quadrangolare assieme ai padroni di casa e Campioni d’Europa del Bayern Monaco, agli inglesi del Manchester City e ai brasiliani del San Paolo, anche loro rossoneri. I biglietti saranno in prevendita a 20 euro solo sul sito L’edizione Audi Cup 2011 ha visto lo stadio Read more [...]

Bayreuth Üniversitesi, yabancılar dairesinin tutumundan rahatsız – e

LEİPZİG (CİHAN)- Almanya'nın Bavyera Eyaleti Bayreuth kentinde yükseköğrenim gören yabancı öğrencilere, yabancılar dairesinin vize ve oturum konusunda zorluklar çıkardığı iddiasını Bayreuth Üniversitesi de doğruladı. Prof. Dr. Bernd-Müller Jacquier'in yaptığı küçük çaplı bir araştırmada Bayreuth Yabancılar Dairesi’nde görevli memurların, yabancı öğrencilerin bölüm değiştirmelerine izin vermedikleri ve gereksiz yere oturumlarını iptal edip öğrencilerin Read more [...]

Bavorský řezník nebyl zavražděn, za smrt zřejmě mohly sexuální …

Česká Kubice - Mrtvý muž, který byl minulý týden ve středu nalezen u zaparkovaného auta u České Kubice na Domažlicku, je čtyřiašedesátiletý Max Schneider, pohřešovaný řezník z německého Tännesbergu. Otázky ohledně jeho totožnosti a úmrtí odhalila soudní pitva. „Vyšetřováním bylo zjištěno, že se skutečně jedná čtyřiašedesátiletého cizince, který byl pohřešován od 19. května. Nařízená soudní pitva vyloučila, že by byl muž Read more [...]

Prairie Faith: Romanesque cathedral graces plains

HOVEN | The year was 1917, and an ambitious Bavarian priest by the name of Anthony Helmbrecht asked the citizens of Hoven to band together.The third and most recent church in the area had just fallen after a prairie windstorm, and Helmbrecht was not about to build another flimsy, white-picket church.The harshness of the prairie called for something grand, a structure that would last. And he had a vision - a Romanesque revival of the cathedrals Read more [...]