Sponsored: Bavaria 8.6 Red

8.6 Red by Bavaria is a very unique kind of beer. The can is now entirely packaged in the colour red! However, it’s not just about the outside of the can. The beer inside has no added colouring agents or external aromas. This beer naturally has various shades of red.

With an alcohol content of 7.9% it is rich to the taste buds and is full of caramel and spicy notes. If you are adventurous and bold, be sure to try 8.6 Red the next time you’re out and about looking for a new drinking experience. We’re sure your friends will think you’re the life of the party!

Check out this video and celebrate that chant “Red is not Dead.” This amazing spot was created with the idea of bringing to life objects as the red flows over them. And in doing so, these objects become a sign of protest. It features the highly talented street artist Jeaze Oner. Getting someone as world renowned as Oner really demonstrates how important 8.6 Red is and that is something to be celebrated by beer lovers from all over.

Believe it or not, there are no special effects in this video at all. The protestor scene it self required up to 15 hours of editing. The amount of dedication put into this drink by Bavaria is a true testament to how much they care about quenching your thirst for the perfect beer. Pretty awesome eh?

This post has been sponsored by Bavaria 8.6 Red, but concerns our own opinion.

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