Seven-Week US Drills Involving Bulgaria to Start in May

The US Army is due to begin on May 1 the Combined Resolve IV drills at two German training grounds located in Bavaria.

The aim of Combined Resolve, “a series of bi-annual US Army Europe exercises“, is “to train participants to function together in a multinational and integrated environment and to train U.S. Army rotational forces in Europe to be more flexible, agile and better able to operate alongside allies and partners in the region,” according to a statement on the US Army’s official homepage.

The two military ranges to be used are Grafenwöhr and Hohenfels, both located in Bavaria, Southeast Germany.

The 7-week-long drills involve 4700 people from 10 NATO member states, namely Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Italy, Latvia, Romania, Slovenia, and the US.

Serbia, Montenegro, and Moldova, three partner counties, are also to assist by sending troops.

The maneuvers will culminate with a combined-arms, live-fire exercise featuring live, virtual and constructive training techniques.

They are set to end on June 26.

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