SANParks, businesses team up for rhino

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Johannesburg – A joint initiative to curb rhino poaching was launched on Friday by SA National Parks (SANParks), Bavaria 0.0% and five South African retailers.

SANParks CEO David Mabunda said: “We are in a crisis situation that requires funding for expert human and technical resources”.

SANParks was working with Bavaria 0.0%, a non-alcoholic beverage, and Woolworths, Spar, Shoprite Checkers, Massmart and PicknPay to raise funds through the “Adopt So Our Rhinos Don’t Die” campaign.

From every purchase of any six-pack of Bavaria regular or fruit-flavoured malt drinks, the retailers and Bavaria would donate money for the “adoption” of a rhino.

“All money will be held in a ring-fenced trust fund that is managed by Rand Merchant Bank under the audit of the National Treasury,” Mabunda said.

“The trust fund will also be made available to any rhino conservancy that applies for assistance to ensure that we are able to help as many rhino as possible.”

SANParks is the custodian of 80 percent of Africa’s rhinos and home to 91 percent of the world rhino population.

Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa endorsed the campaign.

She said that over 500 rhino had been killed through illegal poaching since the beginning of the year.

“I brim with jubilation to know that help is at hand and that at last South Africans across the land will unite and stand together to make a difference, and protect the world’s natural heritage for generations to come,” she said.



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