Refugee debate: Seehofer presents new ultimatum to Merkel

Horst Seehofer taunts on the subject of refugees once again against the Chancellor: Bavaria’s Prime Minister Angela Merkel is two weeks time according to press information to change their policy.

In the dispute about the refugee policy CSU Chief Horst Seehofer, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has set a new ultimatum. “In the next 14 days we will ask in writing the Federal Government, to establish again legally settled arrangement on the borders”, the Bavarian Prime Minister told der SPIEGEL. “If she doesn’t, nothing is left other State Government as a complaint before the Federal Constitutional Court.”

Seehofer made it clear that he wants to let on March 13 escalate the dispute with the Federal Government over refugees crossing the borders if necessary before the Landtag elections in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony-Anhalt.

The Bavarian State Government had obtained before a legal opinion of the former Constitutional Court judge Udo di Fabio, in which he criticizes that the Federal Government cannot effectively enough protect the borders of Germany.

Seehofer said that just because the Federal Government may not be legitimate, she must come up for the cost of the refugee crisis. “Against this background there must contemplate just right, that the Federal Government must increasingly contribute to the cost”, he said.

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