Home Church 2013-12-13 13:04:08
(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Friday received members of a pilgrimage from Bavaria, in south-eastern Germany, who donated the Christmas tree that stands in St Peter’s Square. The lights were switched on the tree during a brief ceremony on Friday afternoon and in his words to the delegation, the Pope reflected on the way the Christ Child continues to bring a great light into the darkness of our world today. Philippa Hitchen reports….
The Bavarian town of Waldmunchen, close to the border with the Czech Republic, this year brought to Rome the giant fir tree for St Peter’s Square, together with other smaller trees that decorate different parts of the Vatican. Speaking to the town’s civil and religious authorities, who formed part of a large pilgrimage to Rome, Pope Francis noted with gratitude that the impressive tree will remain in the square throughout the Christmas festivities, bringing pleasure to locals and visitors from all over the world. He also spoke of the way Christianity, over the centuries, has enriched German culture and that of Bavaria in a very particular way.
Reflecting on the Christmas message of a Saviour, born in the city of David, the Pope said just as the shepherds in Bethlehem were surrounded by a great light, so Jesus today continues to shine his divine light into the darkness of error and sin. Let us all be swathed in that light, he said, so that the joy of the Gospel can fill the hearts of those who encounter Jesus in their lives.
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