Pizza Express chooses Bavaria as non-alcoholic beer


Pizza Express is currently serving Bavaria 0.0% Original, in its UK eateries. Bavaria 0.0%, one of the UK’s only genuine non-alcoholic beers is produced by Bavaria, a 300 year old independently owned brewery. It will give clients a more extensive choice of food and drink alternatives in Pizza Express.

Autonomous research recommends that non-alcoholic beer utilization has been relentlessly ascending in the UK, with one in seven (14%) normal British beer purchasers additionally acquiring non-alcoholic beer over a 12 month period – this ascents to over a quarter (26%) of 18-34 year-olds in the same time span. PizzaExpress has reacted to this interest and with Bavaria 0.0% Original, offers their clients its real pilsner taste, clear bounce flavor, full body and solid chomp.

Bavaria 0.0% Original is a really zero liquor beer. Where other non-alcoholic beers are blended with liquor that is later stripped out, Bavaria 0.0% Original is fermented without liquor all through the procedure. It is prepared with four common ingredients, no simulated sweeteners and with guaranteed mineral water from Bavaria’s own spring. Furthermore, beside offering a reviving non-alcoholic backup to PizzaExpress’ menu, Bavaria 0.0% Original has a large portion of the calories of a regular glass of beer, 68% less sugar than most fruit juices and 41% less calories than the normal soft drink or pop.

Rob Page, managing director at Bavaria UK, said: “Bavaria and PizzaExpress are the ideal fit. Both organizations were established with a dream to deliver fresh and all around created products. Both PizzaExpress and Bavaria are completely dedicated to bringing decision, quality and credibility to our shoppers.

Pizza Express chooses Bavaria as non-alcoholic beer added by on 14/01/2016
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