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Manfred Weber: Politically motivated harassments against Bulgaria opposition leaders
Bulgaria’s Refugee Agency to receive nearly €7mln for emergency measures
Sofia. “As European Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva said, in few days – by the end of the week, the money for the so-called emergency measures connected with the situation with the refugees in Bulgaria will be transferred. The exact sum that will be allocated for the State Agency for Refugees is EUR 6,910,000,” said Nikolay Chirpanliev, director of the agency, speaking for the Wake Up morning programme of Nova TV.
Weather in Bulgaria not good for mountain tourism
Sofia. Weather in Bulgaria is not good for tourism the mountains on Sunday, November 24, the Mountain Rescue Service with the Bulgarian Red Cross announced for FOCUS News Agency.
Manfred Weber: Politically motivated harassments against Bulgaria opposition leaders
Brussels. “Politically motivated harassments against leaders of the opposition. Bulgaria – a autocratic republic under socialist ruling? #Bulgaria #EU”
of the day 27