Kurt Cobain, John Lennon and Tupac Shakur ‘Star’ in Dutch Beer Ad

Dutch brewing company Bavaria has an egregious new ad out for their fruit-flavored beer, Radler, that’ll leave you more dumbfounded than a bunch of Clydesdales debating those twins.

The spot posits the idea that Elvis Presley, John Lennon, Tupac Shakur, Kurt Cobain, Marilyn Monroe and Bruce Lee are all alive and chilling on a tropical paradise. Elvis inflates a water raft while Monroe rubs suntan lotion on Tupac’s belly and Cobain and Lennon lounge on beach chairs. But the calm and flow of their fruit-flavored brews is interrupted when Lee suddenly spots a ship in the distance, forcing the cadre of celebrities to hide in their secret spot ASAP – their cover’s even almost blown by the King’s potbelly, which sticks out from behind a palm tree.

This one’s worth about a thousand face-palms – especially when fake-Cobain has to hold back his vomit when fake-Monroe does the obvious Seven Year Itch dress gag – and don’t be surprised if we see some complaints from the estates of these deceased stars. Also, fruit-flavored beer? Gross.


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