Anneli- who’s full name has not been released- was walking her dog in the German city of Meissen when she was kidnapped and held for ransom for one million euros.
The case made headlines across the country after local media reported the sum that had had been demanded for her return.
Police searching for the missing teenage daughter of a wealthy businessman say kidnappers have demanded a ransom.
Some 1,200 police were involved in a search for the missing girl, and on Sunday officers found DNA that matched that of a known criminal on her bicycle.
The girl had only been identified as Anneli-Marie R due to privacy concerns.
The victim’s parents penned an emotional statement Monday, saying, “Anneli, we miss you. We are with you”.
They added: “The kidnappers should know that we will fulfill the stipulated demands in order to be able to have our child back in our arms soon”.
Police spokesman Thomas Knaup said: “We are working on the assumption it is Anneli”.
Two men, ages 39 and 61, were subsequently arrested in the Saxon capital, Dresden, and in the southern state of Bavaria.
There was no indication of a sexual assault, according to officials.
Police in Germany were chasing down more than two dozen leads into the alleged kidnapping of a 17-year-old girl.
Last night it was confirmed that a body matching Anneli’s description had been discovered in an abandoned farmyard in the village of Klipphausen, which is not far from her home.
In 2010 kidnappers murdered Maria Bogerl, a wealthy banker’s wife, even though a ransom of €300,000 was paid.