Hungary Tells Germany to Stop the ‘Moral Imperialism’

Viktor Orban

The ongoing “migrant” or “refugee” crisis — a slow-motion, unarmed invasion of Christendom by the Islamic warriors of the ummah — has laid bare the split between the decadent social democracies of western Europe, whose political concerns largely revolve around health care and benefits, and the former “captive nations” of eastern Europe, who have no desire to trade in one set of chains for another. Leading the latter is Hungary’s Viktor Orban:

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Wednesday rejected what he called German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s “moral imperialism” in Europe’s migrant crisis. When asked what he expected from Merkel while Europe grapples with an influx of asylum-seekers, the hardline leader grinned: “I have a long list.”

Orban accused Merkel of trying to impose her vision of an open EU on the rest of the bloc. ”The most important thing is that there should be no moral imperialism,” he said during a visit to the southern German state of Bavaria. Orban, speaking ahead of an EU summit in Brussels later Wednesday, said his country had a “democratic right” to a different approach.

“I don’t doubt Germany’s right to define its moral obligations for itself. They can decide if they accept every refugee or not… (but) that should only be compulsory for them,” Orban said. ”We are Hungarians however, we cannot think with German minds. Hungary should have the right to control the impact of a mass migration,” he said. ”The Hungarian people don’t want this, we ask that the wishes of Hungarians be respected.”

Left unsaid for the moment is that Hungary, a shadow of its former self, still has vivid cultural memories of its long enslavement under the Turks. The Hungarians have come in for a good deal of bien-pensant criticism over the fence they’ve erected on the porous Serbian border, but there’s a big difference between a wall that keeps people in and a wall that keeps invaders out.

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