Hitler’s Mein Kampf to be republished

Hitler's Mein Kampf to be republished

Authorities in the southern state of Bavaria were handed the copyright by Allied forces after World War II.

But the historians who want to republish the text say they have good intentions.

The rantings of a madman may not have been of historic interest, had they not become reality, the institute said. Hitler declared ahead of time in a unique way what horrors he would unleash on Europe, Jews and other minorities, and the world.

“Germany is going to republish Hitler’s Mein Kampf”. It will be limited to 3,500 to 4,000 copies. Its cover is a sober gray in gray with no artwork.

A legal hitch makes republication possible.

“The problem with Mein Kampf is that everyone knows the title but nothing of the book itself”. Volume 1 was released in 1925, and Volume 2 in 1926.

The book formed the blueprint for the genocidal regime which followed after the Nazis came to power in 1933.

Hitler’s writing style is full of convoluted rants and grandiose formulations. “There is no single book surrounded by so many myths and received with so much disgust and fear”.

The Institute of Contemporary History has a long track record of historically processing Hitler’s writings. “What we are publishing here is in fact an anti-Hitler text”, the Daily Express quoted him as saying, adding that he understands “some would immediately feel uncomfortable when a book that played such a dramatic role is made available again to the public“.

The aim of this edition is thus to present Mein Kampf as a salient source document for contemporary history, to describe the context of the genesis of Hitler’s worldview, to reveal his predecessors in thought and mentality as well to contrast his ideas and assertions with the findings of modern research. Germans can easily get their hands on English-language copies of “Mein Kampf” or find the original floating around on the Internet.

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