Germany ‘Will Be Oblliged’ to Curb Migration Flow After Bavaria’s Threats

Migrants and refugees crowd in a line as they wait for their registration at central registration center for refugees and asylum seekers LaGeSo (Landesamt fuer Gesundheit und Soziales - State Office for Health and Social Affairs) in Berlin, Germany, Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015.BERLIN (Sputnik) — On Friday, authorities in the southern German state of Bavaria slammed Chancellor Angela Merkel for “not doing enough to address the crisis on the southern German border.”

Bavaria is the entry point for hundreds of thousands of economic migrants and refugees from Africa and the Middle East that have come to Germany since the start of the year.

“The Berlin government will be obliged, despite all the criticism against us, to take measures to restrict migration. Therefore, I am calm,” Seehofer said at the migration and refugee congress of the Christian Social Union in Bavaria broadcast by the German Phoenix channel.

Over 200,000 refugees arrived in Bavaria in September, which depleted resources of the state for receiving migrants, according to Bavarian authorities.

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