German Town Dumps Busloads of Migrants on Merkel’s Doorstep


The bus had been chartered by the Bavarian town of Landshut in protest of what one local politician described as the municipality’s exhausted capacity to receive more migrants. Peter Dreier, a county commissioner in Landshut, had warned Ms. Merkel in October he would stage such an action if the numbers of refugees didn’t decline.

“I told [Ms. Merkel] then: If nothing changes and we have to continue taking in 70 migrants in Landshut every week, we will go under,” Mr. Dreier told German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

The stunt marks one of the most colorful expressions to date of the mounting, cross-party impatience at the chancellor’s generous open-door refugee policy.

Message? Räumen Sie Ihre eigene Durcheinander, Frau Merkel.

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