German toddler shows sweet gesture to newly arrived refugee

It all seems as smooth as the assembly line in a BMW factory.

‘People who arrive in Munich don’t get registered here at all – they’re distributed all over Germany, ‘ said Christoph Hillenbrand, senior administrator of the Upper Bavaria district around Munich.

German officials are buying so many bunk beds for refugee centers that local supplies are often exhausted and orders are being made all the way to China. Around 25,000 arrivals within the weekend, just around 2000 have remained in Munich, he included.

Germany expects the number of refugees it receives to quadruple to about 800,000 this year and says it can not continue to take them in at that rate.

Germany’s coalition agreement included widening the list of countries deemed “safe”, meaning their citizens generally have no claim to asylum, to include Kosovo, Albania and Montenegro.

Some generous Germans greeted the hungry travelers at the border and whisked them away to a make-shift shelter at the Munich fairgrounds.

“Germany, good!” one refugee said as he gave a thumbs up.

“About 1,000 refugees have left shelters in Munich on their own in the past few days, probably moving on to relatives who are already here”, Hillenbrand said.

The enrollment process that is typical is really comprehensive that refugees could be caught in the – frontier for months or times on examining all of them first when the paperwork insisted.

In normal times, asylum seekers are photographed and fingerprinted and have to show passports and any other official papers to prove their identity.

Speaking yesterday, Mrs Merkel said on Tuesday that Europe needed to implement a joint system for dealing with asylum seekers and agree to binding quotas on how to distribute refugees across the continent. The National Workplace has 45 specialists who are able to evaluate highlights and speech designs in 80 languages if candidates have lied about where they originate from to check on.

“We have no idea how to proceed using the summer gowns, tank miniskirts and tops”, a employee informed the Tagesspiegel.

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