– Peter Sype
Christian Seip and his wife Maria Elisabeth, my great-great-grandparents, both from Bavaria, Germany, came to Monroe in the mid- to late-1830s. They had a total of eight children during their marriage, but only three of these children survived into adulthood: Johann Peter Sype (1841-1912), Maria Elisabeth Sype (1845-1914), and John Christoph Sype (1854-1912). Surprisingly, Holy Ghost Lutheran church records indicate that Christian and his wife divorced. 1860 Census records found them living apart. Divorce would have been a shocking step to take in that era and I have always been puzzled as to how a couple who had eight children together could suddenly decide they had to live apart.
In 1860 Lincoln was elected president and around the time of his inauguration in 1861, several southern states seceded because they thought Lincoln’s election would force an end to slavery. Thus the “War of the Rebellion” was launched. Johann Peter (my great-grandfather), who went by the name Peter Sype through his lifetime, like many young men, wanted the excitement and adventure that he thought serving in the war would bring. Family folklore indicates that he had originally enlisted in a Michigan unit and that his mother went to the Army leadership and took him out, since he was still officially a minor. But Peter was not to be deterred from embarking on his military career and enlisted as a private at Adrian on June 15, 1861. By the time he enlisted, Michigan had met its quota of soldiers for the war and so the Adrian unit became part of the 47th Ohio Volunteer Infantry and became part of Company B.
Company B saw service in Virginia and West Virginia before being sent to Mississippi to be a part of the attack on Vicksburg, Miss. Vicksburg was a key target because it was essential to the success of both the Confederacy and the Union. The union forces engaged in a long series of attacks with the goal of seizing control of the city from the rebels.
Peter Sype was part of a group of soldiers who volunteered to guard a shipment of goods that the Union attempted to run past the Confederate blockade at Vicksburg. This attempt was made on the moonlit night of May 3, 1863, and the Union forces were both shot at and shelled by the rebel forces. One of the shells made a direct hit on the steamship that was transporting the goods and the ship disappeared in a hail of steam and fire. Peter Sype had an opportunity to make it back to the Louisiana side of the river but gave up his spot on a plank of wood (a remnant of the steamship) to other soldiers. Of the original group of 35 soldiers guarding the ship, 16 were captured by the Confederates and held as prisoners of war, including Peter. Another four men made it back to the Union forces on the western side of the river. The rest perished in the fire and hail of bullets. Peter and the other members of his unit who survived were nominated for the Medal of Honor for “gallantry in running the blockades at Vicksburg.”
Peter Sype continued to serve with the 47th Ohio Infantry until June, 1864, when he was wounded near Kennesaw Mountain, Ga. He was mustered out after he recovered from his wound. The picture that is attached is of him when he returned from the war. He married Marie Louise Doederlein in 1870 and they had 10 children, eight of whom survived to adulthood. Peter Sype is buried in Trinity Lutheran cemetery and his grave marker indicates he was a Medal of Honor recipient. He also is recognized on the new Civil War monument at Soldiers and Sailors Park on E. Front St. in Monroe.