Catholic World News – October 28, 2014
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Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI has sent a message of support to the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walshingham, which he established to serve the pastoral needs of former Anglicans in England.
The English ordinariate now uses a church on the site of the Bavarian Chapel in London, and the retired Pontiff, a native of Bavaria, said that he is “particularly glad that the former Bavarian Chapel has now become your ordinariate’s church, and serves such an important role in the whole Church of God.” He was writing in reply to a letter from the Friends of the Ordinariate, who had thanked him for setting up the new institution.
The Anglican ordinariates were established under the terms of Anglicanorum Coetibus, which Pope Benedict XVI issued on November 4, 2009. This year, Anglicans who have entered the Catholic Church through the ordinariates will celebrate the 5th anniversary of the papal document.
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