Bavaria’s CSU invites Victor Orban to share his views on the refugee crisis

Overall, Germany has gained the moral high ground in the management of the refugee crisis, championing an obligatory distribution quota proposed by the European Commission whilst getting ready to welcome up to 800,000 asylum seekers. Today, Mr. Schäuble’s party and Mrs. Merkel’s traditional ally is sending a message that is not in tune with this overall moral clarity.

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is invited to attend a CSU meeting in Bayern.

The CSU is Bavaria’s conservative party and the sister party of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). The fact that a the ruling party of Germany invites Victor Orban to deliver a speech just hours before the extraordinary summit of the European Union in Brussels is problematic. More so since the topic of the meeting is the management of the refugee crisis.

The CSU Secretary, Andreas Scheuer, dismissed protests by the SPD coalition partners. Mr. Scheuer described Prime Minister Orban’s invitation as “talking to each other” and went on to describe him as “a democratically elected leader” that has gained a majority that the SPD “cannot even dream of.”

But, the SPD was not the only one protesting. An organization of holocaust survivors also expressing dismay for the legitimacy Mr. Orban is invested with. Victor Orban has taken upon himself to rehabilitate the memory of politicians responsible for the deportation of over one million Hungarian Jews.

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