Bavaria calls for tighter border controls after Paris attacks

Ignoring a call by German ministers against a knee-jerk reaction following
Friday night’s attacks
in Paris, Bavarian State Premier Horst Seehofer has warned that the tragedy demanded stricter border controls.

He asked federal and state governments to ensure “greater control not just of Europe’s borders but also the national borders.”

Given the high level of immigration to Germany “we need to know who drives through our country,” Seehofer added, pointing to a recent arrest at the Bavarian border.

German authorities are looking into a possible link between the Paris attacks and the arrest in Bavaria last week of a man with a car-load of weapons and explosives.

Seehofer said he was worried that terrorists were taking advantage of the migrant crisis to sneak into Europe.

‘Time to act’

Bavarian Finance Minister Markus Söder told the newspaper “Welt am Sonntag” that when the EU’s external borders could not be tightly controlled, Germany must secure its own borders. The country should also reserve the right to close the border, if necessary.

“The time of uncontrolled immigration and illegal immigration can not go on. Paris has changed everything,” Söder said.

German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere confirmed Saturday that Germany has ramped up border controls with France following the attacks. He said checks would take place on road, rail and air connections following a request from France for all of its neighbors to increase surveillance.

De Maiziere added that there were already an alarming number of attacks against asylum seekers in Germany and it was important not to provoke further anger.

Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel also warned against further anti-migrant sentiment, adding that many refugees “come from those regions from where terrorism is being exported to us and to the world.”

On Saturday, Chancellor Angela Merkel
offered her condolences
to the people of Paris following the deadly attacks which have claimed at least 129 lives.

mm/cmk (Reuters, dpa)

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