There’s a nice little storm brewing in the Eurozone core. Reuters reports that the German province of Bavaria is considering legal action against Austria. And it is seeking support for its action not only from the German federal government, but also from the EU.
The background to this is the failure and nationalization of the Austrian bank Hypo Alpe Adria (HAA) in December 2009. HAA was bought by the Austrian state from the Bavaria-based Landesbank BayernLB for a nominal 1 euro. But it seems that BayernLB left behind about 2.3bn euros in subordinated debt. And the Austrian government wants to bail this in as part of the winding-up procedure for HAA.
There is precedent for bailing-in all sorts of unsecured debt holders in European bank resolutions. Cyprus bailed in large depositors in order to recapitalize the Bank of Cyprus. The Netherlands expropriated the holdings of shareholders and subordinated debt holders in the nationalization of SNS Reaal: legal challenge to this action failed, although the Netherlands government was forced to offer compensation. Spain bailed in subordinated debt holders in the nationalization of Bankia. And the UK’s Co-Op Bank attempted to bail in PIBS and preference shareholders, only to see them take over the bank in a hedge fund-led private sector recapitalization. Sometimes the worm turns.
Not only is there precedent, there will shortly be legislation. The European Bank Resolution Directive contains provisions for bail-in of unsecured debt holders to protect taxpayers as far as possible in future European bank resolutions. The directive itself comes into force in January 2015, and the bail-in provisions one year later, in January 2016. Austria’s action jumps the gun, but that does not necessarily make it either illegal or unwise. Creditors really have to accept that bank failure means losses for them.
But there is a complication. BayernLB’s holdings are guaranteed by the Austrian province of Carinthia. Nor are their holdings the only ones that are so guaranteed. According to Barclays Research (quoted by Reuters), the total amount of sub-sovereign Austrian debt guarantees for legacy bank debt is thought to be of the order of 50.5 bn euros.
Ordinarily, if an unsecured debt is externally insured or guaranteed, the insurer or guarantor would take the loss in the event of a bail-in. But not in this case. Austria has overridden Carinthia’s guarantees of HAA’s debts in order to avoid losses rebounding to Austrian taxpayers.
Insolvency lawyers are puzzled by this. Why is Austria overriding the guarantee rather than allowing Carinthia to accept the first loss then bailing them out if necessary – as the US government did in relation to monoline insurers and Detroit?
But Detroit is not the right model for this case. The correct model is actually Iceland, which reneged on cross-border deposit insurance when its banks failed in 2008. The UK and the Netherlands took Iceland to the EFTA court to seek compensation. Final judgement was given in January 2013 – and Iceland won. The Icesave lawsuit established the right of a European sovereign to renege on deposit insurance in a systemic crisis – a right that was subsequently upheld by the EU in the Cyprus bank crisis. After an initial attempt to renege on deposit insurance, which was met with fierce opposition in the Cyprus legislature, deposit insurance in Cyprus was eventually honored not by the sovereign, but by bailing in large depositors.
To be sure, Austria is not reneging on deposit insurance. But if a sovereign can legally default on deposit insurance, it can legally default on sovereign guarantee of junior bank debt too. The EFTA court’s judgement in effect renders null and void sovereign guarantees of all unsecured bank debt, especially junior debt: no way can the guarantees afforded to junior debtholders be allowed to stand when deposit insurance is at risk. I am no lawyer, but it seems to me that the Icesave judgement means sovereign guarantees for BayernLB’s holdings are unlikely to be upheld in a court of law.
Admittedly, the deposit insurance judgement only applies in “systemic crisis”. Bavaria’s case may therefore depend on whether the 2009 nationalization of HAA was due to “systemic crisis”. Given that it occurred in the aftermath of the 2008-9 financial crisis and at the height of the recession caused by that crisis, it is hard not to conclude that it was a systemic crisis. Bavaria’s case looks very thin to me.
The legal implications of Austria’s action were not lost on Moody’s. In addition to downgrading HAA’s subordinated debt to “default”, it downgraded its senior unsecured debt to one or two notches above default. It also downgraded senior and subordinated debt in 11 of Austria’s banks, including Erste Bank and Raffeisenbank, by one notch. And it cut to junk the debt rating of Austria’s other nationalized basket case bank, Kommunalkredit Austria AG. According to Bloomberg,
Moody’s cited “the unprecedented nature” of the Austrian government’s draft law voiding 890 million euros ($1.2 billion) of bonds at Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank International AG that were guaranteed by the province of Carinthia.
“Austrian authorities are now generally more willing to countenance bank resolutions in which losses may also be imposed on senior creditors,” the ratings company said in a statement.
So Austria’s action has already had severe consequences for its own banks. And it may have other consequences too. There are extensive sub-sovereign guarantees in the Austrian banking system. Undermining them could put the entire sector at risk and diminish investor trust in Austria.
Löwenstatue vor dem Hauptsitz der BayernLB in der Brienner Straße, München (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
But BayernLB is a German bank. Why is Bavaria contemplating probably fruitless, and certainly expensive, legal action? And why does it think the German government – and even the EU – will back it?
Austria is not the only country with extensive sub-sovereign bank debt guarantees. The German banking system also has extensive guarantees. And one particular part of the German system is very dependent on them.
The German Landesbanken – of which BayernLB is one – were severely damaged in the financial crisis but were never properly resolved. They are widely believed to be zombies which have only survived because the German economy has been strong, the German regulators have been turning a blind eye and the German government has propped them up, not least by supporting the system of sub-sovereign guarantees on which they depend. No wonder they are worried by Austria’s action. Undermining the guarantees not only destabilises Austria’s banking sector, it could prove catastrophic for Germany’s Landesbanken. So it would not be surprising if the German government backed Bavaria. They cannot really afford not to.