Angela Merkel, CSU’s Horst Seehofer Clash Over German Policy for Migrants

Seehofer has repeatedly criticized Merkel in connection with her migration policy.

Additionally, he called for “looking at reality based on a realpolitik stance”.

Merkel made the remarks amid a growing row over refugee policy with its coalition partner populist-conservative CSU, which governs the southern state of Bavaria, the entry point of most of the refugees.

She has steadfastly retained a welcoming attitude towards the controversial flow of refugees to Germany in the past year. The state interior ministry there said on Friday that over 900,000 migrants had been registered in Germany since the beginning of the year.

“If we want that, we must work with all our strength for a European and global solution…in which we share the burden in Europe and with our neighbours”, said Merkel.

A day after criticising Merkel – as she stood uncomfortably beside him on stage – for refusing to put a cap on the number of refugees entering Germany, Bavarian leader Horst Seehofer called for “a culture of reason, not a culture of welcome”.

“We will save lives and reduce the number of refugees by fighting root causes of the immigration, by improving the situation in refugee camps in the region, sharing the burden within Europe and with our neighbors, by putting an end to people smuggling, by protecting EU’s external borders and enabling legal ways of migration between Turkey and the EU through agreements”, Merkel said Friday, at the party congress of its junior coalition partner, Christian Social Union (CSU) in Munich. After complex Merkel on cap the assortment of asylum seekers, Seehofer backed off, saying he wants the CDU-CSU alliance to last while making the Bavarian party bash a “bulwark” against the “radical right”.

Eastern European nations accused Merkel of encouraging migrants to stream though their countries to Germany, with Hungary’s hardline Prime Minister Viktor Orban railing against her “moral imperialism”.

Angela Merkel marks her 10th anniversary at the helm of Germany today, becoming the third chancellor to have reached the milestone since World War II.

“She is under severe pressure at home in a way she hasn’t been before, the wind in her face is very cold and very strong”.

German newspaper “Die Welt” said that while many believed they had figured out the enigmatic leader’s success, “she has been and remains primarily a mystery”.

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