Adolf Hitler and the Beer Hall Putsch

Munich, Thursday.
A nationalist demonstration was held in beer cellars here to-day, in the course of which Herr von Kahr, the Dictator, amid the applause of those present, read a manifesto to the German nation in which he denounced particularly the principles of Marxism. The members of patriotic organisations were present in full force.

When Herr von Kahr had concluded his speech Herr Hitler, the Fascist leader, entered the cellars with 600 men and announced the overthrow of the Bavarian Government. The new Government, he added, was in the hands of General Ludendorff, who was the Commander-in-Chief, while he himself would act as General Ludendorff’s political advisor. Herr von Lohner, formerly Chief of Police in Munich, had been appointed Administrator, and General von Lossow Minister of Defence.

After this announcement, the cellars were surrounded by Hitler troops. Shortly before ten o’clock troops of the Oberland organisation, with the colours of the Reich, appeared in several parts of the city, and occupied a number of places, particularly the open spaces.

The telegraph office has been occupied by the Bavarian police.

The Beer Hall Putsch was Hitler’s attempt to overthrow the German government and establish nationalist rule. On 9 November he marched on Munich with 3,000 supporters; met by army and police, 16 Nazis and four policemen died in the ensuing gunfight. After a sensational trial, Hitler was sentenced to five years for treason, serving nine months.

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